Workshop on “Basic Life Support”
A one-day training workshop was organized by Dept. of Kriya Sharir (Physiology) to train Students in Basic Life Support skills on Friday 09th Sept 2022 at Auditorium Hall of Jupiter Ayurved Medical College Shankarpur Nagpur.
This workshop was Accredited by MUHS Nashik. Dr. Sanpat Bhatane, Principal of B. R. Harane Ayurvedic Medical College, Thane, Mumbai was appointed as MUHS observer who joined this event online.
Dr. Subhash Waghe (Principal) was the Chairperson for this workshop.
Dr. Raviraj Pardeshi (Professor - Kriya Sharir, JAMC Nagpur) demonstrated various Basic Life Support skills. More than 150 Students from different Ayurved colleges in Nagpur participated in this workshop.
The training included teaching life-saving techniques such as identification of emergencies, the basics of CPR, AMBU, accidental transport care, etc. Volunteer students were asked to perform the CPR on mannequins of adult as well as infant.
Dr. Sanpat Bhatane (MUHS observer) expressed his views about this workshop and conveyed best wishes for upcoming series of events to be conducted at Jupiter Ayurved Medical College, Shankarpur, Nagpur.
Dr. Subhash Waghe (Principal) mentioned in brief about upcoming series of events, Advanced Life Support workshop & proposed vote of thanks. The workshop was concluded with National Anthem.